On 18th July 2007 Bruce Bendell and I met OPEC Ltd, APEM Ltd and Alan Bretherton (the contractor who is emptying the trap) to determine why the floating boom had broken again.
The weather has been extreme for the time of year but the flows seen in the River Darwen are not unusual in winter months. We are learning quickly about operating extremes for the litter trap, which but this has caused a few 'teething problems' such as broken boom connectors (see image below).
Metal connectors have now been fitted to try and help prevent the breakages.
The floats on either side of the basket have also been adjusted so that the basket effectively floats higher in the river.
There are also plans for the 'runner' on the longest boom to be shortened, enabling automatic boom release as river levels rise towards flood conditions. This means that the trap will operate during low and medium flow but that it will release in higher flows to prevent damage to the trap and minimise the potential for flooding.