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« Riverdance ferry beached near Blackpool | Main | Litter Trap adjustments II »

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


ferries to france

Need some precise information for Belfast to Liverpool ferry crossings and how to book Ferries from the port of Belfast to Liverpool. Any personal experiences? I'm planning to make my trip in next couple of days.


Ok...great idea. I have experience with this ferry just can visit for all your required details..!


Wow.... great idea. I have experience with this ferry


I am a frequent flights and ferries - traveller who spends 1/4 of every month. but I never heard such a news.


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derek croasdale

nice having some plain english idea's,comments on-line because your adding toyour own knowledge and satisfying your enquiry.

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I will come soon for ferry crossing.

digger derrick trucks

That was a tragic event , bet its just purely an accident and we can't do anything to prevent it. I just hope they will asses the situation accordingly.


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oh no this is horrible. All of those people's property being damaged and ruined. how sad.

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merolin peter

ya that's really sad,and needs to be taken care next time!

Crane Trucks

It is really sad to know about this mishap about trucks tumbling from ferry. Thanks for the link to the article.

digger derrick trucks

Oh no, this would be horrible. I can just imagine what the truck owners are thinking right now. I hope they have insurance to help them cover the costs.

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Accidents in the sea is not new. There are a lot of cargo vessels that were sunk at the sea. This incident will definitely make a big impact in the lives of those living near the shoreline. It is good that authorities have taken immediate actions to remedy this incident.

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Hopefully they could clean up this as soon as possible to avoid the problem get worsen. It would really affect near beaches.

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