Green England are asking people to sign a petition to introduce a plastic carrier bag tax in Britain.
We use an average of 300 plastic bags every year. Each bag lasts up to 400 years, spending the majority of that time in a landfill site. Many are blown into the countryside. Some find their way into rivers and spend years floating around in our seas and spoil beaches when they are washed up onto the strandline.
In Ireland, a tax of 15 cents per bag resulted in a 90% drop in plastic bag usage, and raised 3.5 million Euros which was spent on environmental projects.
Bangladesh & Mumbai have banned polythene bags altogether while Egypt and
Singapore are taking steps to discourage their use.
If you agree that a 10p tax (to be spent on environmental projects) should be introduced in Britain and you would like to sign the petition, please go to - .
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